Most Popular
Smaller rental companies
Smaller rental companies
one time feebilled annually
- Cloud account setup
- Onboarding
- Administration training
- User training
- Zebra MC333 bundle
- 1 years Zebra One Care warranty on hardware (includes accidental damage coverage)
- Pre installed Easy RFID Pro software (Paid Software Updates)
- 12 months of Easy RFID Pro app and Cloud access
- 12 months of data storage in Cloud account
- 1 month unlimited training (Paid Training after one month)
- One year Lite plan subscription
Most Popular
one time feebilled annually
- Cloud account setup
- Onboarding
- Administration training
- User training
- Zebra MC333 bundle
- 3 years Zebra One Care warranty on hardware (includes accidental damage coverage)
- Pre installed Easy RFID Pro software with free software updates for 12 months
- 12 months of Easy RFID Pro app and Cloud access
- 12 months of data storage in Cloud account
- 12 months unlimited training
- One year Essentials plan subscription
Most Popular
Larger companies with more items
Larger companies with more items
one time feebilled annually
- Cloud account setup
- Onboarding
- Administration training
- User training
- Zebra MC333 bundle
- 3 years Zebra One Care warranty on hardware (includes accidental damage coverage)
- Pre installed Easy RFID Pro software with free software updates for 12 months
- 12 months of Easy RFID Pro app and Cloud access
- 12 months of data storage in Cloud account
- 12 months unlimited training
- One year Premium plan subscription
- 200 tent tags
- Add $1500 for Rental software integration
* Call for more information about rental software integration currently available.
Financing options available CLICK HERE.